Art & Environmental Education
Art & Environmental Education

Many plastics that wash up on our beach are non recyclable. For this reason, the initiative to create art with fishing nets and flip-flops, mainly, arises. However, creativity has no limits. Sometimes volunteers let their imagination run wild to create something tangible and visual with the plastic waste that arrives through the ocean currents.

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They are difficult to detect, but it is a necessary job and a responsibility that we have to carry after producing them. These are tiny microplastic pellets that form the basis of other plastic objects. Due to spills, monitoring, and manufacturing plants, they have begun to appear in our waterways, rivers, and oceans.

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We are the first plastic cleanup operation in Mexico to use data! Why? Because we would like to understand, and show, the depth and scope of the problem. Our working method involves timed cleanings in a given beach area, where we go in search of PET (plastic bottles), HDPE (dense plastics), glass, shoes, flip-flops, ropes, synthetic fibers and waste in general, then the waste is weighed, cleaned, separated and stored in our facilities.

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Free Water Filling Stations
Free Water Filling Stations

Is Less Plastic's Solution Fantastic? Give people access to free water refill stations! And not just one or two. Everywhere in the city, in shops, hotels, bars and, as far as we're concerned, there's no excuse to buy that plastic problem anymore. Free the bottle, man! We are in a rapid reusable revolution! This project began with 25 water stations, and seeks affordable, safe and acceptable physical access to drinking water for the local community of Mahahual, since it is a fundamental right for health and, above all, to seek alternatives to reduce the use of disposable bottles.

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Environmental Experiences
Environmental Experiences

The aim of creating this action is for volunteers to have direct contact with nature, seeking to make them more aware of their actions and consumption in their day-to-day lives. It also brings them closer to observe the problems they face on the beach, such as plastic waste pollution. For this reason, Sandy Turtle is a site that houses anyone who wants to see a different perspective of life based on a circular philosophy and that natural resources are finite, as well as supporting beach cleanups, environmental education, turtle and reef monitoring.

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Less Plastic, More Healthy Food
Less Plastic, More Healthy Food

Our mission is to create a circular economy, starting with the collection of organic waste from the local community, promoting healthy eating for families, getting to have more direct contact with our food and being more aware of our consumption. Therefore, this is where the magic and connection of Lourdes and Ana arises, which seeks to make food for everyone, without the need to contaminate the earth or our body.

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Sandy Turtle: A Site for the Conservation of Sea Turtles in the Mexican Caribbean

Sandy Turtle, or El Campamento, is a beautiful refuge between mangroves, jungle and beach just thirty meters from the ocean. Its circular design is a testament to the refuge's mission: to reduce plastic waste, promote a more nature-friendly way of life, and raise awareness of issues and threats in marine and coastal ecosystems.

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