The Sandy Turtle Coral Reef: An Underwater Paradise

Mahahual is a popular tourist site for marine recreational activities located in the south of Quintana Roo, where tourists, scientists, and experts dive and snorkel in its clear waters to observe the coral headlands, channels, and deep massifs; the diversity of reef fishes, invertebrates and marine vertebrates.

However, outside the tourist area is the Sandy Turtle reef, which was unexplored until a few months ago. The surprise was that only 300 m from the coast marine treasures were found. Currently, Menos Plástico es Fantástico seeks to be related to the conservation of this reef, in order to create environmental awareness in young people and account for the plastic waste that comes to remain on the reef, as well as generate data and knowledge of a site that is home to a diversity of reef fish and corals, which are currently threatened and are scarce every day.