Less Plastic, More Healthy Food


A farm makes a big difference. Therefore, this is how the idea of producing fresh and organic vegetables throughout the year for our local community arises, while at the same time collecting organic waste to feed the compost, in order to reduce plastic waste that pollutes the coastal and marine ecosystems that are an important source for the tourism economy of Mahahual.

Less Plastic More Healthy Food is a local solution to a global problem. Instead of scaling up, we’re downsizing. The way is simple and sustainable led by a plant lover, whose purpose is to generate healthy, seasonal, nutritious and affordable pesticide-free food for Mahahual.

Our mission is to create a circular economy, starting with the collection of organic waste from the local community, promoting healthy eating for families, getting to have more direct contact with our food and being more aware of our consumption. Therefore, this is where the magic and connection of Lourdes and Ana arises, which seeks to make food for everyone, without the need to contaminate the earth or our body.

The plastics on the picturesque beaches of Mahahual are more than an eyesore. They can threaten the fragile coral reef and mangrove ecosystems of the Yucatan Peninsula.” H. Bruce Rinker, ecologist at the Maine-based Biodiversity Research Institute.