Free Water Filling Stations

Did you know that crude oil is needed to create plastic? And did you know that it takes about a quarter of the oil content of a plastic bottle… to create that same bottle?

Around the world, more than a million plastic bottles are bought every minute. By using a reusable water bottle, you could prevent an average of 156 plastic bottles from reaching our oceans annually.

Is Less Plastic’s Solution Fantastic? Give people access to free water refill stations! And not just one or two. Everywhere in the city, in shops, hotels, bars and, as far as we’re concerned, there’s no excuse to buy that plastic problem anymore. Free yourself from buying single use plastic bottles! We are in a rapid reusable revolution! This project began with 25 water stations, and seeks affordable, safe and acceptable physical access to drinking water for the local community of Mahahual, since it is a fundamental right for health and, above all, to seek alternatives to reduce the use of disposable bottles.