• Plastics pollution is so extensive that all the world’s oceans are touched by the waste

    Each hour, the U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico use more than 2.5 million plastic bottles. At this rate, in 2050, there’ll be more plastic than fish in the oceans across the globe. And while 52% of recycling facilities accept PET (plastic bottles), estimates show that only 5% are recycled. The rest ends up dumped in landfills, or worse, into our oceans.


  • Menos Plástico Es Fantastico

    Is a community-focused non-profit organization working to tackle the root of the problem: the ever-growing consumption of single-use plastics. With various local projects, ranging from data-driven beach clean-ups, collaborations with the global scientific community, re-using plastic refuge in arts & crafts to gain awareness, circular organic farming, food waste collection, and free water refilling stations, they are at the forefront of reducing plastic consumption.


  • The art of plastic reduction

    The mission: a plastic-free Mahahual to save endangered turtles, touristic beaches, biodiverse mangroves - and humans alike.


  • Sandy Turtle Beach

    Sandy Turtle, or El Campamento, is a beautiful jungle and beach retreat just thirty meters from the ocean. Its circular design is a testament to the shelter’s mission: to reduce plastic waste and promote a more nature-friendly way of living and raise awareness of the ever-growing problems on the shoreline. Our volunteers and staff clean the beaches and monitor sea turtle activity on the nearby shores while living eco-friendly with a circular philosophy, cleaning, and recycling found plastic for art, crafts, and more.


  • Less Plastic, More Healthy Food

    What difference can one small farm make? Well, more than you’d think. We’re producing fresh, organic vegetables, year-round, for our local community, all the while collecting waste to fuel the compost pile. Why? To reduce the plastic waste polluting the very beaches that drive our tourist economy, to decrease carbon emissions, and to recreate circular, sustainable food sources. By the people - for the people!


  • Environmental Experiences

    Here volunteers have a direct contact with nature, seeking to make themselves more aware of their actions and consumption in their day-to-day lives. It also brings them closer to observe the problems they face on the beach, such as plastic waste pollution. For this reason, Sandy Turtle is a site that houses anyone who wants to see a different perspective of life based on a circular philosophy and that natural resources are finite, as well as supporting beach cleanups, environmental education, turtle and reef monitoring.

    Environmental Experiences

  • And you get water, and you get water, and you get water!

    Right now, the Menos Plastico’s Free Refilling Station project has launched twenty-five refilling stations everywhere in Mahahual, from the Casitas to Fifty-Five and, of course, the Malecon. Really, it’s hard to not spot them. If you’re ever in a thirsty mood (and aren’t we all), you sure don’t have to look far to get your refilling fill. The water is free, of course. Like all water should be, right? We’re working together with store owners, businessmen, and large corporations alike to keep providing the water necessary for the community of Mahahual and use less plastic as a whole.