Sandy Turtle Beach: The hidden treasure of sea turtle rescue

The Great Nurdle Hunt

We’ve partnered up with Fidra to partake in The Great Nurdle Hunt, a worldwide effort to collect nurdles - small microplastic pellets that form the basis of other plastic objects.

Due to spills, oversight, and manufacturing plants, they’ve begun appearing in our waterways, rivers, and oceans.

Because they’re so small - and like all microplastics - they’re practically impossible to remove from our oceans, so we’re trying to collect as much data on them as possible. Even worse, nurdles have been shown to both absorb toxic chemicals inside them while traveling the ocean and to be great transporting vessels for all kinds of bacteria.

After every clean-up, we spend ten minutes hunting the Nurdles.

They’re hard to spot, but it's a necessary job and a responsibility we have to carry after producing them. You make ‘em, you find them, right? We’re hoping the global effort will wake up politicians, manufacturers, and production facilities alike, to stop this problem at the root cause.