About us


Menos Plástico Es Fantastico is a community-focused non-profit organization working to tackle the root of the problem: the ever-growing consumption of single-use plastics. With various local projects, ranging from data-driven beach clean-ups, collaborations with the global scientific community, re-using plastic refuge in arts & crafts to gain awareness, circular organic farming, food waste collection, and free water refilling stations, they are at the forefront of reducing plastic consumption. Their mission: a plastic-free Mahahual to save endangered turtles, touristic beaches, biodiverse mangroves - and humans alike.

“Plastics pollution is so extensive that all the world’s oceans are touched by the waste”
Curtis Ebbesmeyer, Seattle oceanographer & author of “Flotsametrics and the Floating World.”

“The plastics on Mahahual’s picturesque beaches are more than an eyesore. They may threaten the fragile coral reef and mangrove ecosystems of the Yucatan Peninsula.”
H. Bruce Rinker, an ecologist at the Maine-based Biodiversity Research Institute